A Heart Held Humble Levels and Lights the Way - Floener

A Heart Held Humble Levels and Lights the Way

Observations on executive education and leisure

The term "humility" is not often embraced within the ranks of business and healthcare professionals. Frequently regarded as indicative of vulnerability, this particular characteristic is seldom commended inside executive training programmes or boardroom settings. An insightful article published in the Harvard Business Review succinctly encapsulates the issue at hand through its title: "The Paradox of Leadership: Exploring the Discrepancy Between the Significance of Humility and the Prevalence of Arrogance Among Leaders." The essay proceeds to examine the current efforts within HR consulting businesses and the field of psychology to formulate the H Factor, which encompasses the traits of honesty and humility. According to the HBR article, despite the emphasis on humility, it contradicts the prevailing narratives in the Wall Street Journal and the existing business and political cultures.

Numerous scholars in the field of management have endeavoured to elucidate this seeming contradiction. According to Edgar Shein, a scholar affiliated with the MIT Sloan School of Management, there exists a widely held perspective about managers that see life as a competitive endeavour. This perspective asserts that effective leadership primarily revolves around achieving desired outcomes, even if it necessitates employing whatever means necessary. Consequently, this approach to leadership entails a directive style, wherein managers instruct subordinates on what actions to undertake. The formula for success does not prioritise humility and compassion.

This leads us to the title of the blog: "A Humble Heart that Guides and Illuminates." The aforementioned statement originates from the lyrical composition titled "Along the Road," authored by the esteemed musician Dan Fogelberg. The proposition posits that the practise of informed humility serves two distinct purposes: firstly, it fosters equilibrium in decision-making processes by promoting a balanced approach, and secondly, it illuminates the trajectory towards achieving our objectives. The Mayo Clinic Platform places a strong emphasis on achieving equilibrium and intellectual growth, while also maintaining a commitment to full disclosure on our objectives, aspirations, and anxieties. The aforementioned statement necessitates the virtue of humility.

Executive coaching is often subject to stigmatisation within certain health care organisations. In situations where a leader experiences a decline in performance or is assigned to a position that exceeds their level of competence, it is common practise to appoint a coach to provide guidance and support. This practise is sometimes referred to as the Peter Principle. We hold a divergent perspective. When tasked with assuming leadership of a novel team in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated changes, it is imperative that we wholeheartedly embrace the valuable contributions and expertise of our colleagues and partners. The inclusion of an external coach as a supportive resource during the upcoming six-month period of significant transformation is anticipated to have a positive impact on the overall empowerment of all individuals involved. The proposed concept entails scheduling bi-monthly meetings with the coach in order to present our strategy, structure, staffing, and process ideas with the purpose of comparing them to the practises of highly successful organisations and teams. 
It is probable that we will encounter feedback and inspiration that surpasses our personal life experiences.  Simultaneously, we will have a deeper comprehension of strategies to enhance efficiency, enhance communication, and optimise decision-making processes. The process will entail a significant degree of personal growth, necessitating our development as individuals and leaders. Our individual life experiences have significantly influenced the development of our personalities and problem-solving strategies. While these experiences have proven beneficial in previous situations, it is imperative that we shift our focus towards adapting and transforming ourselves in order to effectively guide our team through the forthcoming obstacles. 

Our personal life experiences have instilled in us the importance of assuming responsibility for any given circumstance. As the development of a scalable platform team progresses, the prioritisation of orchestration and delegation becomes increasingly crucial, as it allows for the substitution of human endeavours with replicable procedures. The development of leadership is essential in order to establish a sustainable organisation that can effectively expand its operations from a limited number of projects to a significantly larger size. The utilisation of coaching can be advantageous in refining skills, particularly when operating within a time frame that necessitates rapid progress. The provision of such counselling is not only infrequently disclosed, but also barely documented. Nevertheless, we will maintain records of our monthly acquired knowledge and its subsequent impact on our behaviour.  The information will be disseminated widely. It has been argued by certain individuals that this situation brings to light our susceptibilities, which can be viewed as advantageous. 

On the journey towards acquiring informed humility, it is imperative to acknowledge the necessity of taking breaks. Contrary to the beliefs held by numerous CEOs, it is important to recognise that the human body and mind do not possess perpetual motion capabilities. The phenomenon of the workaholic CEO is often regarded with admiration in many corporate settings inside America. However, as health practitioners, we possess a more nuanced understanding of this matter. The extensive body of evidence substantiating the adverse impact of excessive employment on both cognitive function and immunological response is substantial. 

It would be imprudent for us to disregard this evidence. According to data provided by the American Institute of Stress, a significant majority of Americans, specifically 77%, frequently encounter bodily symptoms that can be attributed to the presence of stress. The issue is widely seen throughout society, to the extent that a whole medical field, known as psychoneuroimmunology, has been established to address it. This field is based on the fundamental principle that thoughts can lead to physiological effects. Disregarding this principle may not yield immediate consequences for CEOs; nonetheless, its covert ramifications gradually manifest over time. There are numerous solutions available. Various stress management approaches, such as mindfulness meditation, nature walks, crossword puzzles, extended baths, and music, elicit distinct responses from individuals.

Even after the passage of numerous decades, Fogelberg's lyrics continue to provide valuable guidance to CEOs seeking to inspire their subordinates and establish themselves as exemplars.

During the course of the journey
The sequence of actions you have outlined may result in a disorganised or chaotic outcome.
The individual's cognitive processes may begin to deviate from the intended focus. However, within this cognitive divergence, a modestly maintained heart serves as a guiding force, illuminating the path forward.

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